Monday, March 23, 2009

Realistic views

First, some real life stuff.

If you never work for something, it isn't going to come to you
I think a lot of us (myself included) assume that because we want something, it will eventually come to us. Either because someone will randomly give it to us, or we will somehow find the time to get it. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. I've been meaning to learn a foreign language, and for some reason I don't wake up knowing more Japanese every day.

Love is quite bollocks
I may be saying this because I don't have a clear perception of what is. If you do, please contact me so I can belittle you. Storybook romance dictates that every single moment you gaze into the eyes of your lover, you're meant to be overcome by a wave of happiness, horniness, satisfaction and what have you. But I think most of us can count on one hand how often this happens in a relationship. Maybe more than one hand (and feet) in the first month, but how quickly does this fizzle-pop into something more complacent. Not that I'm complaining, but COME ON you promised me more.

And now some advertising related stuff.

Scams and the like
Adfest is over, and no surprise the poster section has once again been dominated by Malaysia. I have never understood scams and I hope that I never do*. It is such a bane to the industry and I truly commend BBH for pulling out a full-page press condemning this act. How sad is it that our local industry has welcomed this heinous act with open-arms, comparing creative penis size & girth based on the amount of fake work that has won metal. Even worse, there are many agencies paying good money if you're capable of being a scam-meister. I may not be the most amazing ad-man in the world, but at least I'm not a lying whore. I'm also thankful that the people I've worked with/for share the same notion.

Art directors
I've really come to appreciate having a partner that is as capable with words/selling. Not just that, Amir's a great guy and we've grown to become really good friends before we're colleagues. I really think better work is created when you're having more fun and you have great rapport. I honestly don't know if I'll find a partner I get along with more.

Brings in business blablabla sure, but I could argue the exact opposite just as well. This is open for debate and has been for the last two decades. Scams and Asia are synonymous. I just wish more people would do something about it.


BenBHadd said...

Sorry to be ignorant, but Adfest? Scam? BBH (who?) condemning it/them?

Mind elaborating?

Appreicate it...


The Ruud said...

adfest: Thailand advertising awards show.

BBH: Bartle Bogle Hegarty. An agency that doesn't scam and recently took out a full page press ad in an ad mag condemning the act.

Scams: Fake ads that have never seen the light of day. In the early 90s, Asian countries realised that they could win awards by submitting fake ads. Because how would you ever prove them? However, ads are expensive to make so they stick to print/poster categories. Sadly, in recent times agencies have started to make scam videos as well (let's not discuss where this money comes from).

Hope this clears some things up. It's just been bothering me a lot lately. People would rather concentrate on the fake shit rather than real work, and it seems to be rewarding them. What happens then? Quality of advertising suffers and clients get pissed off at lacklustre agencies. Client - Agency relation goes sour, real work gets even worse.

It's a vicious cycle that very few are trying to fix.

Wandernut said...


BenBHadd said...

so they win with cool ads but these ads never made public?? i.e. it's just all in their head, no client paid them for it..

Sigh, I see the problem then..

I guess it just boils down to values and principles. Obviously the lower your values and principles, the more achievements you'll get....

The Ruud said...

Weina: Sigh :(

Ben: Exactly. It's just sad how many people are willing to stoop to that and then proceed to brag about it as if it actually meant something.

Unknown said...

Love is not all; it is not meat nor drink,
nor slumber, nor a roof against the rain;
nor yet a floating spar to men that sink,
and rise, and sink, and rise, and sink again.

Love cannot fill the thickened lung with breath,
Nor clean the blood, nor set the fractured bone;
Yet many a man is making friends with death
even as I speak, for lack of love alone.

It well may be that in a difficult hour,
pinned down by need and moaning for release
or nagged by want past resolution's power,
I might be driven to sell your love for peace,
or trade the memory of this night for food.
It may well be. I do not think I would.

pinkflyingpigs said...

some years ago when edwin leong was in grey during his heydays,
he won loads of kancil awards with his scam works.
he was labelled "scammer of all time" by a (self righteous) cd in naga.
but it didn't take long before this cd jumped on the bandwagon &
started submitting work for kancils that never saw the light of day!
last year's kancils was the most appalling. the number of scam entries was
easily as high as 90% (some of my friends think i'm underestimating).
but it is getting harder & harder to sell great ideas to clients.
it's not impossible, but it can be damn painful sometimes.
it's a vicious cycle. clients don't buy potential award winning ideas, we scam
them, the ideas win agency awards, it looks good on agency, agency attracts
big clients, big clients still don't buy potential award winning ideas, we ...


BenBHadd said...


So the awards are more like advertising for advertising, then??