Sunday, March 15, 2009


Should not be a life-long binding contract that allows the other party to lay claim to half your shit if things don't "work out".

Why do people need to get married anyway?Because it's romantic? Because you've always had that little fantasy of walking down the aisle hoping everyone in the room wishes they were you?

The notion of marriage to me, at this point, is ridiculous. This archaic contract that's forced upon us time and time again because of archaic organisations called religion.

I feel the only time one should sign anything resembling a contract is when there are children involved, and even then things should be absolved once the kid is capable of mature thought and doesn't require a family unit to ensure stable growth .

Should you DESIRE the decadent ceremony of matrimony for exhibition's sake and tax breaks, the license should only last 5 years. If a renewal is wanted, then so be it. If there's any doubt, then don't get a new one.

I suppose I am an advocate of free love. Or perhaps womankind has proven to me time and time again their instability due to hormonal imbalances forces heavy consideration when something long-term is brought to thought*.

However, I'm not a defiler of romance. I love unecessary acts of love that lead to steamy bedroom activity.

I just don't believe in unecessary pieces of paper. Love is love baby, and I don't need anything to prove it but me and you.

I'm just saying.

*I still love all of y'all, but really, you're batshit crazy sometimes


BenBHadd said...

There are, at least, in my humblest opinion, 2 ways to view why people get married..

1) This is the socially acceptable and only true legal way to allow 2 adults to have sex. Once you're married, really, anyone in the right mind would expect you to have, if not extremely regular, regular sex. Granted many married couple would say they don't actually do that all that often, but still, this is like really...You have a partner which you are legally allowed to screw with and you don't?? Ok, eventually people get bored..That's where the second legal procedure occurs; Divorce...:P

2) Marriage are for 2 adults who wish to move on from being single to being 'double' and have legal binding to each other and have the legal right to procreate (while any single person have the human right to procreate, procreating on your own, or out of a marriage contract is socially damaging and legally complicated. All it does it just gives the adult hell and gives the child hell plus. Not very wise, IMHO). So when 2 adults (of differing gender, please...) decides they want to have kids, they should marry. Then all the social and legal issues just seem to go away...(in return there is for some unknown reason an expectation of procreation, which presents it's own stress and challenges...)

Having said that, IMHO as well, adults who are not keen in procreation (as in including the 'end product' known as kids) shouldn't bother with marriage unless they want to leagally bind themselves. Because they obviously don't quite care about needing to be legally allowed to have sex, now, do they? :P

Unknown said...

It's funny to me that this conversation is more or less identical to one I had with my 55-year-old BFF/Columbia Ph.D. PoliSci professor/mentor.

*pandaaa said...

People get married coz they want to spend the rest of their lives together. Not that they can't do it without getting married, but it's like an OFFICIAL bond where they take vows to be with one another for the rest of their lives.

Yeah, it's more of a romantic notion for me. If you were to ask my dad, I think he would say that it was a promise to REPRODUCE with the person you love -_-
Apparently it's all about starting a family during their time.