Sunday, July 20, 2008

I am driving 85 and making real music

So I started playing guitar again.

I've been playing like 8 years now. On and off. However as is the case with most people that pick up an instrument, I leave it more often than I pick it up. With work being so erratic, it's hard to dedicate yourself to anything. I like to pretend I have something resembling a social life, so where does that leave me.

Well turns out if I'm in front of the computer and I have a guitar on my lap I can do several things at once.

Even better, for the first time in 8 years something special happened.

I can play guitar and sing at the same time!

I'm not terribly uncoordinated. It's just one of thise things that never worked out. However I dug deep and found the ability about a day ago. So I've been going nuts with it ever since. Maybe I use my right brain so much nowadays that things have been wired differently up there in my cranium.

Not being able to play the guitar and sing is a terrible curse. Makes you feel incomplete. It's like having sex but not feeling anything. At the end of the day all you can do is make babies, but where's the fun in that.

Could you imagine what sex must be like if all it does is make you babies. If that ever happens I hope to be six feet under. Now aren't you glad that 99% of the time we treat it as the exact opposite.


Anonymous said...

phail blog

lol random comment

Anonymous said...

and 5 months later...